Welcome to Wireless Emerging Network System (WENS) Lab.

관심있는 분들은 labwens@gmail.com 으로  연락주세요!!

Research Themes

Future Wireless Radio Access Technology

Novel wireless radio access techology such as NOMA, massive MIMO, OAM, OTFS, OCDM, etc. for new waveform, AI-native, enhanced spectrum efficiency, high mobility support

Unmanned Mobility

Various umanned mobility (UAV, UGV, USV, UUV), their collabortive operations, bio-inspired intelligent swarm and collaboration

AI/Deep Learning

Develop/optimize supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement, and hybrid learning-based deep learning models and algorithms for various applications such as wireless communications, robotics, video processing, etc.

Quantum Computing (Quantum ML)

Quantum Neural Networks for leveraging quantum computing principles to enhance machine learning algorithms and models