Priority Research Centers Program : Civil-Military Ict Convergence Technology For Smart Iot Platform
- Title (과제명)
국문: 스마트 IoT 플랫폼 기반의 민·군 ICT융합 기술
English: Priority Research Centers Program : Civil-Military ICT Convergence Technology for Smart IoT Platform
- Funded by: : National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
- Period: 2018-06-01 ~ 2026-05-31
- Role: participant
- Manager: 박재한 (Jaehan Park)
Project summary:
Research on next generation wireless communication technology for real-time reconnaissance\
Massive Machine Type Communication technology for connecting multiple sensors and communication equipment
Enhanced Mobile Broadband technology for real-time transmission of high-quality video data
Ultra Reliable and Low Latency Communication Technology to Meet Two Requirements: High Reliability and Ultra Low Latency
Development of physical layer security technology using NOMA's SIC
Drones Reconnaissance, Search and Wireless Communication Defense Application
Provisional wireless infrastructure construction technology if the existing base station is insufficiently or unavailable
Evasion maneuvers to improve survival rate of enemy drone detection and friendly drones
NOMA Application for Drones Real Time Data Transmission
Development of Drones Cluster Control Algorithm for Efficient Control of Multiple Drones
Full System Integration and Future Tactics Network Study
Study on QoS / QoE security technology and security enhancement technology
UAV based Airborne wireless network technology research
Study on the use of mMTC, URLLC, eMBB in drones based wireless mesh network and dron base station
Application of communication interface for smart dust application
특허 사사
【부 처 명】 교육부
【연구사업명】 이공분야 대학중점연구소지원사업
【연구과제명】 ICT융합특성화연구센터
【기 여 율】* 하나의 특허가 둘 이상의 과제에서 지원된 경우 각 과제별 기여율을 입력
【주관연구기관】금오공과대학교 산학협력단
【연구기간】 2018.06.01 ~ 2026.05.31
논문 사사
국문 : "이 논문은 2024년도 정부(교육부)의 재원으로 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 기초연구사업임“(2018R1A6A1A03024003)
영문 : "This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education”(2018R1A6A1A03024003)
국문표기: 중점연구소(2023)
English: 중점연구소(2023)