Wearable Diy Type Edu Kit Development Based On Iot/m2M
국문: IoT/M2M 기반의 웨어러블 전용 DIY형 교육용 KIT 개발
English: Wearable DIY type Edu kit development based on IoT/M2M
Funded by: Small and Medium Business Administration
Period: 2015-05-01 ~ 2016-04-30
Role: leader
Project summary:
Development of wearable DIY HW
Open source SW (Android/Tygen)
국문표기: 본 논문은 BK21플러스 사업(금오공과대학교 IT융복합학공학과)에 의하여 지원되었음
English: This work was supported by the Brain Korea 21 Plus Project (Dept. of IT Convergence Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology).