Artificial Intelligence-Based Autonomous Driving Unmanned Pesticide Spraying Platform
국문: 인공지능 기반의 자율주행 과수용 무인 농약 살포기 플랫폼
English: Artificial Intelligence-based Autonomous Driving Unmanned Pesticide Spraying Platform
Funded by: Ministry of SMEs and Startups
Period: 2022-09-01 ~ 2024-12-31
Role: leader
Project summary:
Design of Unmanned Pesticide Spray for Orchard
Design of Spraying Machine Considering the Clearance Between Fruit Trees in an Orchard
Design of the Rotation Angle of the Wheels Considering the Rotation Radius of the Orchard
Body Frame Design Considering Pesticide Weight and Battery Weight
Selection and design of motor drivers and motors for sprayer operation and pesticide spraying
Route-based autonomous driving system through GPS-based route learning
System with communication module and RTK GPS
Remote control driving system and autonomous driving system through existing route learning
Develop a program for setting the path and setting the path plan
Developing a route setting and route planning program through map and integration
Installation of communication module for communication between sprayer vehicle and application
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