Bk21Four Merit (Medical, Electronic, Robotic, It) Convergence Innovation Talents Training Group For Smart Manufacturing Innovation
국문: BK21FOUR 스마트 제조 혁신을 위한 MERIT (Medical, Electronic, Robotic, IT) 융합 혁신 인재 양성단
English: BK21FOUR MERIT (Medical, Electronic, Robotic, IT) Convergence Innovation Talents Training Group for Smart Manufacturing Innovation
Funded by: NRF(National Research Fund), 4단계 BK21 혁신 인재 양성단
Period: 2020-09-01 ~ 2027-08-31
Role: leader
Manager: 김은섭(Eunseop Kim)
Project summary:
Vision of the Education Research Group
"MERIT (Medical, Electronics, Robotics, IT) Convergence Talent" with convergence technology in electronics, robots, medical science and IT for smart manufacturing innovation.
Goal of Education Research Group
Aimed at research and human resources development in convergence with IoT network and communication for smart manufacturing innovation, robots and systems, sensors and interfaces, and four core technologies of intelligent software, MERIT (Moving first, Entrepreneur, Resolving, Inter-discipline, Top-class)
(1) Moving first (leading): Conducting research on smart factory technologies that create future values and train key leaders.
(2) Entrepreneur (Creation and Start-up): Conduct creative research on smart factories that will lead industrial sites and train start-up leaders.
(3) Resolving (Problem Solving): Conduct practical research to solve practical problems in smart factories and train practical professionals.
(4) Inter-discipline (interdisciplinary convergence): Conducting cross-disciplinary research and training of convergent technical experts
(5) Top-class (top-level): Conducting world-class convergence research and fostering top-notch talent based on the global network education environment.
국문표기: 본 논문은 4단계 BK21 사업(금오공과대학교 IT융복합공학과)에 의하여 지원되었음.
English: This work was supported by the Brain Korea 21 FOUR Project (Dept. of IT Convergence Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology).