A Novel Radio Access Technology Based On Mmimo, Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access And Index Modulation For B5G
국문: B5G를 위한 mMIMO, 비직교 다중 접속 및 인덱스 변조 기법 기반 새로운 무선 접속 기술 연구
English: A Novel Radio Access Technology based on mMIMO, Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access and Index Modulation for B5G
Funded by: National Research Fund
Period: 2019-09-01 ~ 2022-02-28
Role: leader
Project summary:
Novel wireless radio access technology combining massive MIMO (mMIMO) in spatial domain, non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) in power domain, and Index Modulation (IM) utilizes the index area.
IM is a technology that can additionally transmit data by using the components (index) of the communication system, and can improve frequency efficiency performance by selecting and combining an appropriate index. In this study, we will conduct research for IM optimized for mMIMO and NOMA, and this is a unique approach that is rarely underway.
The wireless access technology to be derived from this study aims to develop a new high efficiency break-through technology through the combination of mMIMO, NOMA, and IM for the first time in the world, and at least 5 times the frequency efficiency target of 5G (DL: 150). Aiming to achieve greater than UL: 65)
The proposed new radio access technology is expected to achieve additional performance improvements through the optimized combination of various resources such as antenna, beam, power, user pairing, index, etc., so that deep learning based channel prediction and pilot allocation, game theory and Perform optimization study to increase communication capacity such as optimal resource allocation based on quantum-based mixed algorithm
특허 사사
【부 처 명】 과학기술정보통신부
【연구사업명】 이공계개인기초연구사업
【연구과제명】 B5G를 위한 mMIMO, 비직교 다중 접속 및 인덱스 변조 기법 기반 새로운 무선 접속 기술 연구
【기 여 율】 100%
【주관연구기관】금오공과대학교 산학협력단
【연구기간】 2019.09.01 ~ 2022.02.28
국문표기: 이 논문은 정부(과학기술정보통신부)의 재원으로 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(No. 2019R1A2C1089542).
English: This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government. (MSIT) (No. 2019R1A2C1089542)