Eqm-Level Satellite Communication System Designs Featured By Real-Time Satcom Routing Optimization
국문: 우주인증 (EQM) 저궤도 통신 위성, 위성군 Realtime 통신링크 최적기술
English: EQM-Level Satellite Communication System Designs featured by Real-Time SatCom Routing Optimization.
Funded by: IITP
Period: 2023-07-01 ~ 2030-12-31
Role: participant
Manager: 최영은(Yeongeun Choi)
Project summary:
❍ Research on resource allocation technique for mMIMO-NOMA in integrating terrestrial networks (TN) and non-terrestrial networks (NTN)
Research on mMIMO-NOMA technology and development of resource allocation scheme (power, user, communication resources, etc.) for integrating TN and NTN
A study on the uplink and downlink NOMA of base station-satellite and satellite-user scenarios
❍ Research on combination of mMIMO-NOMA and OAM-IM
A study on the combination technology of mMIMO-NOMA and OAM and IM to increase spectral efficiency in mobility scenarios
Development of interference cancellation method including superposed coding and mode detection scheme
A study on IM technology by utilizing single and multiple communication resources of mMIMO, NOMA, and OAM system.
❍ Development of next-generation wireless access technology using OTFS for high mobility
Development of OTFS-NOMA technology using user superimposition with time-varying channel estimation technology and other mobility functions.
❍ 특허 사사
【과제고유번호】 2710008174
【부 처 명】 과학기술정보통신부
【연구관리전문기관】 정보통신기획평가원
【연구사업명】 정보통신방송혁신인재양성
【연구과제명】 우주인증 (EQM) 저궤도 통신위성, 위성군 Realtime 통신링크 최적기술
【기 여 율】* 하나의 특허가 둘 이상의 과제에서 지원된 경우 각 과제별 기여율을 입력
【주관연구기관】금오공과대학교 산학협력단
【연구기간】 2023. 07. 01 ~ 2030. 12. 31
❍ Publication ACKs
"This work was supported by the IITP(Institute of Information & Coummunications Technology Planning & Evaluation)-ITRC(Information Technology Research Center) grant funded by the Korea government(Ministry of Science and ICT)(IITP-2025-RS-2023-00259061) "
❍ Acknowledgement
국문표기: ITRC (Incheon Univ.)
English: ITRC (Incheon Univ.)