Eqm-Level Satellite Communication System Designs Featured By Real-Time Satcom Routing Optimization


Funded by: IITP

Period: 2023-07-01 ~ 2030-12-31

Role: participant

Manager: 최영은(Yeongeun Choi)

Project summary:

Research on resource allocation technique for mMIMO-NOMA in integrating terrestrial networks (TN) and non-terrestrial networks (NTN) 

❍ Research on combination of mMIMO-NOMA and OAM-IM

❍ Development of next-generation wireless access technology using OTFS for high mobility

특허 사사

【기 여 율】* 하나의 특허가 둘 이상의 과제에서 지원된 경우 각 과제별 기여율을 입력

❍  Publication ACKs

