Video-Based Public Bus Accident Prevention System Using Machine Running
국문: 머신 러닝을 활용한 영상기반 교통버스 사고예방 안전시스템
English: Video-based Public Bus Accident Prevention System Using Machine Running
Funded by: 중소벤처기업부
Period: 2019-06-16 ~ 2020-03-19
Role: leader
Manager: 한승헌
Project summary:
Development of image-based lane recognition technology using machine learning
- Use of the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method, which is well known for its effective image processing
- Create dataset- Pre-processing phase
- Learning machine learning for lane detection and labeling for testingDevelopment of pedestrian awareness technology
- Leverage the R-CNN (Region with Convolutional Neural Network)
- 1-Stage Object Detector - You Only Look Once (YOLO) and Single Shot Detector (SSD)
- Data collection for machine learning
- Design and learn about machine learning networks
- Analyze learned results and repeat redesign
- Measure the distance between the pedestrian and the vehicle using a stereo camera.Used as information for locating pedestrians and recognizing accident situations
Recognition of road images in front and rear of a vehicle
Recognition of information in night situations
Development of an accident situation recognition algorithm using recognized information
An overall consideration of the lane in which the vehicle is currently being driven and the location of the pedestrian is taken to predict the situation of the accident.
Currently there are no images yet.