Industrial Smart Safety Lighting System With Intelligent Risk Identification
국문: 지능형 위험인지 기능을 갖춘 산업용 스마트 안전 조명 시스템
English: Industrial Smart Safety Lighting System with Intelligent Risk Identification
Funded by: Ministry of SMEs and Startups
Period: 2020-11-23 ~ 2022-11-22
Role: leader
Project summary:
Modeling through Dataset Acquisition and Learning
Object Recognition Algorithm Development
Development of Fall Detection Algorithm Using Fall Dataset
Development of collision risk detection algorithm between objects based on electric and manual forklift dataset
Development of warning algorithms for identifying hazardous areas and entering hazardous areas using heat detection sensors
Development of Fire Detection Algorithms Using Heat Sensing Sensors
Development of AI Embedded Platform for Smart Safety Lighting
Development of Automatic Dimming Algorithms Based on Object Recognition
Integration of ZigBee Modem and AI Embedded Modules
특허 사사
【부 처 명】 중소기업청
【연구사업명】 산학협력거점형플랫폼(R&D)사업
【연구과제명】 지능형 위험인지 기능을 갖춘 산업용 스마트 안전 조명 시스템
【기 여 율】* 하나의 특허가 둘 이상의 과제에서 지원된 경우 각 과제별 기여율을 입력
【연구기간】 2020. 11. 23 ~ 2022. 11. 22
국문표기: "본 성과물은 중소벤처기업부에서 지원하는 2021년도 산학협력 거점형 플랫폼(R&D) (No. S3016551)의 연구수행으로 인한 결과물임을 밝힙니다."
English: This work was supported by project for Industry-Academic Cooperation Based Platform R&D funded Korea Ministry of SMEs and Startups in 2021.(Project No. S3016551)