Ict Challenge And Advanced Network Of Hrd (Kumoh National Institute Of Technology)
국문: ICT혁신인재 4.0 금오공과대학교
English: ICT Challenge and Advanced Network of HRD (Kumoh National Institute of Technology)
Funded by: IITP
Period: 2022-07-01 ~ 2026-12-31
Role: leader
Project summary:
STAR (SW, Telecommunication, AI, Robot) Convergence Technology Training and PBL Training
Development of STAR (SW, Telecommunication, AI, Robot) convergence talent with the ability to discover and solve corporate field problems through a corporate-student mentor collaboration system
Establishment of an education/research and industry-academic cooperation system to solve corporate field problems
Project Summary
To contribute to the convergence of ICT intelligence and the development of local industries, three areas of research were conducted to solve practical problems based on the demand of local companiesReal-time Lightweight DDS, Diagnostic Trouble Prediction Technology
: Implementation of high-reliability/real-time enhancement technology of smart factory using state diagnosis/trend display techniques for fault detection/prediction - Light-weight Data Distribution Service (DDS) technology for large-scale IoT equipment management and real-time improvement - Fault detection prediction technology of smart factory edge nodes for improved reliabilityNext-generation mobility technology
: Implement next-generation futuristic mobility technology that replaces human movement or maximizes human mobility by utilizing robot technology - Multi-Joint link-type ruggedness-overcoming robots that can replace human resources in various situations through environmental awareness technology and mechanical design mechanism technology - Wearable strength assistant robot platform that maximizes operator mobility and mobility efficiency through ergonomic design technology and strength assistant robot system control technologyComplex Knowledge Graph Inference Techniques
Knowledge extraction technology that can extract recyclable children from documents existing in various subject domains, knowledge graph self-proliferation technology research that can expand and build knowledge that can be used in real domains, and convergence reasoning techniques for efficient reasoning. - Technology research that automatically recognizes and accurately extracts key knowledge elements from various documents containing heterogeneous knowledge to build a complex knowledge graph. - Applying optimization technology that automatically generates knowledge required to apply to major tasks in the target domain and completes XAI (Explicable AI) technology in the reasoning process required for tasks based on this
논문 사사
국문표기: 이 논문은 정부(과학기술정보통신부)의 재원으로 정보통신기획평가원–학·석사연계ICT핵심인재양성 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(IITP-2025-RS-2022-00156394, 기여율)
English: This work was supported by the IITP(Institute of Information & Coummunications Technology Planning & Evaluation)-ICAN(ICT Challenge and Advanced Network of HRD) grant funded by the Korea government(Ministry of Science and ICT)(IITP-2025-RS-2022-00156394*, 기여율)
특허 사사
【과제고유번호】 2710008018
【부 처 명】 과학기술정보통신부
【연구사업명】 정보통신방송혁신인재양성(ICT혁신인재4.0)
【연구과제명】 ICT혁신인재4.0(금오공과대학교)
【기 여 율】* 하나의 특허가 둘 이상의 과제에서 지원된 경우 각 과제별 기여율을 입력
【주관연구기관】금오공과대학교 산학협력단
【연구기간】 2022. 7. 1. ∼ 2026. 12 . 31 .
기술이전 사사
부처명 : 과학기술정보통신부
전담기관 : 정보통신기획평가원
사 업 명 : 정보통신방송혁신인재양성(ICT혁신인재4.0)
과 제 명 : ICT혁신인재4.0(금오공과대학교)
주관기관 : 금오공과대학교 산학협력단
총사업기간 : 2022. 7. 1. ~ 2026. 12 . 31 . (4년 6개월)
국문표기: ICAN (2024)
English: ICAN (2024)